
A just transition finance roadmap aims to articulate a new end vision for the financial ecosystem which perfectly aligns lending and investment actions to idealised government environmental and social policies which support a net zero economy. Once a final vision is articulated, the roadmap provides routes and  signposts to arrive at such a destination. This first iteration of a just transition finance roadmap for South Africa, is an initial attempt to understand the nature of the challenge of just transition finance in South Africa, what a system level change to the financial eco system could look like and an action agenda for the next four years to begin moving towards such a vision.

Engineering News - 25 April 2022 by Terence Creamer 

Read online at Engineering News

Watch the documentary - Voices from under a dark cloud: Towards a Just Transition in the coalfields of South Africa here:


This policy brief highlights the level of adoption of frontier technologies in six manufacturing subsectors: metal and engineering; retail motor and aftercare; plastics; manufacturing; automotive components; automotive manufacturing; and new tyre manufacturing. This is important because, while there is a solid understanding of the importance of frontier technologies especially for the manufacturing sector, there has not been a comprehensive investigation of the level of adoption of these technologies across the different subsectors. Previous research has either zoned in on one sector, such as metal, or looked at the level of adoption at the continental level. To address the gap, a survey was conducted on behalf of merSETA (the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority) to collate baseline information on key trends around technological change. This policy brief highlights the aggregated results from the survey. The survey analysis is supplemented by interview data with key stakeholders in the industry.

For more information on frontier technologies visit the TIPS Technological Change and Innovation System Observatory  

This policy brief aims to clarify the currently used metrics, what value they have, what they miss, and their policy implications. It begins by unpacking the technical definitions of various metrics used in the South African context, considering the implications associated with each metric. Additional concerns regarding methodologies and assumptions, and data sources are also elaborated. Having clarified these metrics, figures reported by key actors are systematically presented. Finally, this brief reflects on what the reported figures do and do not say, and policy suggestions.

This policy brief is part of the Making Sense of Employment in South Africa's Just Energy Transition project. TIPS and the WWF South Africa, with the support of GIZ, are implementing an initiative to support policymaking for South Africa's just transition. This focuses on employment and the relevant challenges and opportunities in the country's just energy transition.

Related research

Research Report: Exploring alternative options for coal truckers in a biomass supply chain

Research Report: The just transition for the refining and logistics sectors of the South African liquid fuels industry value chain


TIPS on behalf of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition in partnership with the Medical Device Manufacturers, the South African Medical Device Industry Association and the South African Laboratory and Diagnostics Association seeks the services of independent consultants with extensive and proven experience and knowledge of the South African medical device industry, its participants, and the South African industrial policy environment, to facilitate the development of the medical devices industry Master Plan. Closing Date:
3 June 2022
. Proposals should be sent to TIPS for the attention of Daphney Mabuza for more information. Download ToR here.

Business Day - 7 April 2022 by Hilary Joffe

Read online at Business Day

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Fin24 - 8 April 2022 by Lameez Omarjee 

Engineering News - 16 March 2022 by Tasneem Bulbulia 

Read online at Engineering News

Engineering News - 7 April 2022 by Terence Creamer 

Read online at Engineering News

Monday, 04 April 2022

Export Tracker - Q3 2021

South Africa’s merchandise exports have continued on their upward trajectory, although at a slower pace, increasing by 13.1 % in Q3 2021 from Q3 2020, amounting to R460 billion. However, a quarterly analysis for the period under review indicates that exports have marginally declined by 7.8% from Q2 2021. The quarterly decline is likely due to a fall in the mineral prices for ore and platinum. Imports have also increased by 23% in Q3 2021 from Q3 2020, amounting to R359 billion, a 7.7% increase from the previous quarter (Q2 2021). With the value of merchandise exports being higher than imports in the third quarter of 2021, South Africa experienced a trade surplus of R101 billion, although it significantly declined by 39% from the previous quarter. In US dollar terms, merchandise exports increased by 31.9% from Q2 2020, amounting to US$30 billion, while declining by 13% from the second quarter of 2021. In contrast, imports  increased by 49.2% year-on-year, amounting to 24.5 billion and rising by 5.9% from Q2 2021.

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