
Engineering News - 23 January 2020 by Tasneem Bulbulia

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Business Day - 20 January 2020 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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 Arrival and coffee / tea

14:00 - 14:10 Opening and welcome by chairperson: Tshediso Matona 

14:10 - 15:30 Presentations and discussion:

  • Neva Makgetla: Trends in Small Business in South Africa, presentation on the Small Business Real Economy Bulletin
  • Saul Levin and Gabriel Davel: Credit Guarantee and access to finance for SMEs
  • Shakespear Mudombi and Muhammed Patel: Small Business resilience and climate change adaptation

15:30 - 16:00 Open Discussion

16:00 Closure and light snacks 


Small Business has been put forward as an important contributor towards economic growth, job creation and redress but faces many headwinds in South Africa that have hampered their development. Access to finance and more recently challenges around climate change are key barriers. 

This Development Dialogue will provide an overview of recent trends in small business in South Africa, and present research undertaken on credit guarantees and climate change adaptation, with discussion on some of the options and proposals to strengthen the SME eco-system.  

About the Speakers

Tshediso Matona is the Secretary of Planning in the National Planning Commission 

Saul Levin is the executive director of TIPS and has experience in industrial finance and small business development.

Neva Makgetla is a senior economist at TIPS. Makgetla has published widely on the South African economy and worked for many years in government.

Gabriel Davel is the CEO for the Centre for Credit Market Development and was previously the CEO of the National Credit Regulator. 

Shakespear Mudombi and Muhammed Patel are researchers at TIPS in the field of sustainable growth and green economy. 


Partial guarantee schemes and SME lending

Facility for credit risk mitigation on SME loan protfolios


This policy brief starts with an overview of the economic position of the national state-owned companies, in terms of their main socio-economic functions and size as well as their financial position and support from the state. A second section reviews their broader developmental outcomes against their mandates. The final section outlines their oversight structures in government.

Daily Maverick - 22 January 2020 by Gaylor Montmasson-Clair (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Daily Maverick

Moneyweb - 21 January 2020: Interview with Saul Levin (TIPS Executive Director) by Melitta Mgalonkula

Listen to podcast

Read article online at Moneyweb

Engineering News - 17 January 2020 by Terence Creamer (Creamer Media Editor)

Read online at Engineering News

Business Day - 14 January 2020 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Business Day

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Gaylor Montmasson-Clair (TIPS senior economist) and Bhavna Deonarain (TIPS researcher) have co-authored a chapter in the book Competition and Regulation for Inclusive Growth in Southern Africa, edited by Jonathan Klaaren, Simon Roberts and Imraan Valodia. 

Dowload a copy of the chapter, or read it online at this link Regional Integration in Southern Africa: A Platform for Electricity Sustainability

To access the book go to Competition and Regulation for Inclusive Growth in Southern Africa


Friday, 17 January 2020

Import Tracker Q3 - 2019

The trade balance grew for the second consecutive quarter, from R3 billion in the second quarter of 2019 to R6 billion in the third quarter of 2019. Nevertheless, both imports and exports show year-on-year declines, at 4% for imports from R351 billion in the third quarter of 2018 to R337 billion in the third quarter of 2019, and 2% for exports from R351 billion to R343 billion during the same period.

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