
Due to COVID-19 the format for the annual TIPS Forum will be changing. The TIPS Forum 2020 on Regional Industrial Development will be held as digital sessions, and in two parts:

Part 1

Day 1: 28 July 2020
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome
10:15 – 10:30 Keynote address
10:30 – 11:30 Session 1: Regional industrial development in the context of COVID-19
11:40 – 12:55 Session 2: Trade and reform in Africa

Day 2: 29 July 2020
10:00 - 11:15 Session 3: Inclusive industrial development
11:30 - 12:45 Session 4: Strengthening and building regional value chain


Part 2

Day 3: 4 August 2020
10:00 – 11:15 Session 5: Sustainable regional industrial development
11:30 - 12:45 Session 6: Low-carbon and inclusive industrial development

Day 4: 5 August 2020
10:00 - 11:15 Session 7: Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and industrial development, theory, policy and practice
11:30 - 12:45 Session 8: Trade, protectionism and technological upgrading


This decision has been taken by TIPS in consultation with our partners, the DST/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development at the University of Johannesburg, the United Nations University for Development Economics Research programme on Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development, and the South African Department of Trade, Industry and Competition.

We look forward to reaching a much broader audience through the digital platform, and hope you will be joining us.

The context for the conference

With renewed recognition on the importance of building industrial capacity in developing countries, as well as having industrial policy, industrial development across the SADC region has been identified as a central path towards accelerated and sustained economic development. In the context of the economic impact of COVID-19, what does a sustained regional industrialisation trajectory look like?

Collectively, the SADC region is relatively under-industrialised. In more than half of the member countries, the manufacturing sector’s contribution to GDP is less than 10 per cent and in some cases lower than 5 per cent. In only one of the 15 SADC Member States has the ratio of manufacturing value added to GDP risen above 20 percent.

The economic disparity between South Africa and its neighbouring countries in SADC is stark; South Africa’s GDP per capita is five to seven times that of the rest of SADC, which is unusually large for a regional centre. Understanding industrial development in the Southern African region therefore requires an approach that looks at the role of the lead economy and the opportunities for smaller economies to increase their productive capacity and exports to South Africa.

The aim of the conference is to deepen the understanding of a cross section of issues, and the related opportunities and challenges.

NOTE: If you already registered earlier for the physical 2020 Forum event, please re-register for the digital 2020 Forum event.

The Forum, due to be held in May in Johannesburg, has been postponed until later this year. The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic means we have to adapt the way we work, and it is not possible to hold a public forum  at this time. A different format and approach is being considered should the rescheduled event need to be in a digital form. 


Download programme or read online

Download press release or read online: Regional industrial development in SADC the central focus of high-level conference

Forum 2020 logo strip x 2

Business Day - 31 October 2019 by Gaylor Montmasson-Clair (TIPS senior economist)

Read online at Business Day.

Business Day - 28 October 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Business Day.

Or read as a PDF.

Business Day - 14 October 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Business Day.

Or read as a PDF.


Letter in Business Day - 30 October 2019 by Dr Doug Blackmur (Flamingo Vlei) 

Read online at Business Day.

Business Day - 30 September 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Business Day. 

Or read as a PDF.


Stats SA's seasonal adjustment models are part of regular rebasing: Business Day - 3 October 2019 by Michale Manamela (Chief director of national accounts at Stats SA)

Read online at Business Day.

Biomaterials – plastics and composite-like technologies derived from waste and plant matter – offer an opportunity to help reduce the environmental impact of traditional plastics, while safeguarding the economic contribution made by the plastics and chemicals industry. This report proposes an action plan and implementation strategy to further the development of the sector in South Africa. It aims to both reinforce existing initiatives, and offer suggestions for new approaches, with the goal of deepening the value chain and removing barriers. It takes a problem-solving approach, which involves identifying barriers and gaps in the market for biomaterials and identifying government policies that can fill these gaps.

The report is published by Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) – an initiative by the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) – in partnership with the South African Government (the Department of Environmental Affairs, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Science and Technology, and the Economic Development Department).

Friday, 25 October 2019

Import Tracker - Q2 2019

The trade balance grew in the second quarter of 2019. As at the end of the quarter, the trade surplus was R3 billion. Generally, the second quarter tends to reflect a trade surplus. With the exception of the second quarters between 2012 and 2014, there has been a second quarter trade surplus since 2010, the highest being R35 billion in the second quarter of 2016. Nevertheless, the year-on-year trade surplus declined by 85%, from R18 billion in the second quarter of 2018 to R3 billion. Further, both imports and exports grew year-on-year, with imports growing by 8%, compared to 2.8% for exports. Crude oil, diesel and automotive components remain the biggest drivers of imports.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Green economy policies and strategies

The third Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) Ministerial Conference was held in Cape Town in January 2019. The theme of the conference was Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. More than 500 leaders and innovators from the government, private and the civil society sectors from more than 50 countries met to discuss policy and strategy. The conference was hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs of South Africa.

A number of concept papers were produced to inform the conference. This concept document assesses the state of play at each level of policymaking. It conducts a diagnostic of the situation at the four levels of the policy pyramid: the vision, plans and strategies,measures and instruments, and toolkits. It also has targeted recommendations.

Conference papers

For other concept notes from the conference go to:

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Inclusivity within the green economy

The third Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) Ministerial Conference was held in Cape Town in January 2019. The theme of the conference was Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. More than 500 leaders and innovators from the government, private and the civil society sectors from more than 50 countries met to discuss policy and strategy. The conference was hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs of South Africa.

A number of concept papers were produced to inform the conference, including this one on SMMEs. A gradular understanding of the structure and role of SMMEs in development and the green economy is needed to adequately harness their potential. This concept note aims to provide this analytical framework. It investigates the role of SMMEs in the economy and society, focuses on SMMEs within a green economy context, and considers the obstacles hindering thedevelopment of SMMEs. It then formulates the need and opportunity to reframe SMME development in alignment with sustainable development principles.

Conference papers

For other concept notes from the conference go to:

Business Day - 16 September 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Business Day. 

Or read as a PDF.

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