
Thursday, 08 February 2007

Advanced Trade Analysis Course

Trade negotiators are faced with a bewildering array of new agreements on the horizon. Before embarking on any agreement, governments have to understand the consequences of such a policy. This course is aimed at equipping trade analysts with the economic and spreadsheet knowledge that they need to carry out such…

  • Date Monday, 26 June 2000
  • For enquiries or to register please contact Owen Willcox; Telephone: 012 4317900; E-mail:
Published in Workshops
As part of the DFID-funded South Africa Trade and Poverty Programme and its objective to promote informed dialogue on South Africa's trade policy amongst key stakeholders, TIPS in 2005 implemented a seminar series under the auspices of Nedlac. These seminars provided a platform for government and civil society representatives (business,…

  • Date Wednesday, 28 June 2006
  • Venue NEDLAC, 14A Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Joahnnesburg
Published in Workshops
More than ten years have passed since the advent of democracy in South Africa. Over this period, economic growth has been robust and employment has expanded. Nevertheless, unemployment has risen substantially and improvements in terms of poverty and inequality have been slow to materialise. It has therefore become increasingly clear…

  • Date Wednesday, 18 October 2006
  • Venue Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg
  • For enquiries or to register please contact
Published in Events Archive
As part of the DFID-funded South Africa Trade and Poverty Programme and its objective to promote informed dialogue on South Africa's trade policy amongst key stakeholders, TIPS in 2005 implemented a seminar series under the auspices of Nedlac. These seminars provided a platform for government and civil society representatives (business,…

  • Date Wednesday, 26 July 2006
  • Venue NEDLAC, 14A Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg
Published in Workshops
In literature or current economic life, the concept of 'small businesses' often covers different implicit areas of focus. The lack of clarity about what is understood as a small business can affect the reliability of research findings. Not surprisingly, since there are different concepts of businesses, there are also different…

  • Year 2004
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Monday, 12 February 2007

Emily Sindane

Emily joined TIPS in 2004 and is responsible for office assistance and maintenance. She has two years' general secretarial experience and has completed a number of computer software courses, including Microsoft Word and Excel.

  • Position Office Assistant
Published in TIPS Staff
Tuesday, 13 February 2007

International Marketing Textbook

TIPS contributed a chapter to this book published by Oxford University Press on International Marketing. TIPS wrote the chapter on Exporting for Small Businesses. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate international marketing students but it also a ready reference and guide to exporters and international marketing practitioners. For more information on international Marketing,…

  • Year 2006
  • Author(s) S.M. Burgess;C.H. Bothma
Published in External Publications
The South Africa Trade and Poverty Programme (SATPP) provides assistance in a wide range of activities to help South Africa formulate, negotiate and implement pro-poor trade policies. It provides assistance to the private sector and civil society, as well as to government through stake-holder seminars, research and studies, assistance with institutional development within the dti, and capacity-building in a range of trade policy-related areas.

  • Year 2004
Published in Trade and Industry
The Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN) was a broad-based policy and research network which aimed to increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the region and strengthen evidence-based policy-making. SADRN focused on two main themes: industrial policy and sector development at the regional level; trade policy and its linkages to pro-poor growth. The objectives of the Network were to: Increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the SADC region by creating a pool of suitably-skilled researchers based in institutions in SADC Improve the policy-relevance of research through growing the capacity of policy-makers to be discerning research 'users' Develop an…

  • Year 2009
Published in Trade and Industry
Friday, 14 February 1997

Trade & Growth Dynamics

See all research

  • Year 1997
Published in Trade and Industry
Friday, 22 February 2002

Annual Report 2002

Published in Annual Reports
Thursday, 22 February 2001

Annual Report 2001

Published in Annual Reports
Friday, 22 February 2002

SED - Small Enterprise Development

Under the Small Enterprise Development (SED) programme, TIPS conducted a number of broad-ranging, qualitative assessments of the outcomes of government's policy, strategy and initiatives in small enterprise development. See all research

  • Year 2002
Published in Trade and Industry
Monday, 26 February 2007

SA/EU FTA: Mid-term Review

This paper evaluates bilateral trade between South Africa and the EU over the past decade, where possible up to 2003. Structure of the Report: Part A: Aspects of trade and tariff patterns Basic trade flows between South Africa and the EU. Intra-industry trade Trade intensity calculations Areas of export potential…

  • Year 2005
  • Organisation Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)
  • Author(s) Mmatlou Kalabe; Ron Sandrey; Dirk Ernst van Seventer
Published in Trade and Industry
AIDS has had its most devastating impacts in Africa and the prevalence of the disease continues to rise in most African countries. With a feasible vaccine still years away, reduction in risk behaviors remains the only way to reverse the epidemic. An obvious prerequisite for behavior change is that people…

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Peter Glick; David Sahn
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
South Africa's low investment rate has been widely recognised as both a symptom and cause of relatively poor industrial performance in the past decade. Investment is particularly important as restructuring requires the rapid growth of new activities if potential gains are to be realised, especially with a view to increasing…

  • Year 2005
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
NOTE: This is an extract from the recent report of the Department of Economic Development, Western Cape Province. The first chapter sets the scene by outlining some of the challenges faced. Chapter 5 sets out the heart of the approach employed in identifying priority sectors and the broad policy approach…

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) D Kaplan
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper examines growth patterns in the Western Cape over the 1970-1996 period by means of primal growth accounting decompositions. Evidence by magisterial district, by statistical region and by SIC 3-digit manufacturing sector is presented. We find that the Western Cape differs from national growth patterns. Manufacturing in the Western…

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) J.W. Fedderke and A.K. Fitschen
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Trade and industrial policies are generally viewed from the vantage point of national government. Hence the emphasis on the type of trade regime that should be pursued (tariffs, subsidies, etc), the state of the current account, the exchange rate and geo-political factors (globalisation, power blocs and regional associations). While the…

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Amiena Bayat and Zunaid Moolla
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper advances on previous work on the effects of trade and technical change on labour markets within the framework of Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory. First, we employ dynamic heterogeneous panel estimation techniques not previously used in thiscontext, which separate Heckscher-Ohlin-based long run relationships from short run dynamics that are heterogeneous…

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Johannes Fedderke;Yongcheol Shin
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
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