
Business Day - 19 November 2021 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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City Press - 28 November 2021 by Thuletho Zwane

Engineering News - 25 November 2021 by Terence Creamer

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Wednesday, 24 November 2021

FDI Tracker Q2 2021

Ten projects were captured in the second quarter 2021. The total pledged investment value came to about R19.8 billion, from five projects. Potential employment opportunities for the projects captured in this reporting period, if any, were not disclosed. Ten projects were updated in this quarter, while some are complete or progressing, others are experiencing challenges.

Download the FDI Tracker Q2 2021 or read online

Business Day - 15 November 2021 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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People's Voices: Key priorities and challenges for a Just Transition in Emalahleni and Steve Tshwete: How can the public participation of workers and communities be improved in South Africa's coal transition? This third event in the series was held on 30 November 2021. For a copy of the recording and presentation click here

The Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) is a multi-stakeholder body established by the President of the Republic of South Africa to advise on the country’s climate change response and pathways to a low-carbon climate-resilient economy and society. 

TIPS research for the PCC included the technical report:

Technical Report No. 1: A Review of local and international policy debates (Muhammel Patel)

Five working papers that provide an evidence-based foundation for a new Framework for a Just Transition - a practical guide to ensure that South Africa’s transition to a low-emissions economy is well-managed, just, and equitable. The Framework will also build on existing just transition debates in the country, the vision set out by the National Planning Commission, and a new series of thematic and social-partner consultations that will gather a diverse range of views on what it means to achieve a just transition.

This paper looks at Policy primers for a South African Just Transition framework (Gaylor Montmasson-Clair)

Other working papers:

The Just Transition in coal (Neva Makgetla)

Unemployment and sustainable livelihoods: Just Transition interventions in the face of inequality (Nokwanda Maseko)

Governance and the Just Transition (Neva Makgetla)

Finance and the Just Transition (Sandy Lowitt)

The views expressed in the papers represent those of its authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the PCC or its Commissioners. 

Funding provided by the European Climate Foundation


South Africa has initiated a transition to a more sustainable development pathway that involves moving towards a low-carbon economy. South Africa is a highly unequal society with many poor and vulnerable people. The need for a just transition has emerged as an imperative whereby the poor and vulnerable should not be negatively impacted by the transition and should ideally be better off through it. In Mpumalanga, these challenges are exacerbated by the transition away from coal activities, as well as the health, air and water pollution that has led to disastrous impacts on people and the environment. Yet the voice of the people living in affected communities is often not heard. 

This Development Dialogue webinar aims to provide a platform to hear from and engage with peope from Mpumalanga. It aims to unpack key concerns, aspirations, visions and the needs of people in Mpumalanga, focusing on what is required to shift the status quo and make a positive change in employment, poverty, energy, health, and the environment. 

This is the third event of a series. It forms part of a larger project, funded by UK PACT, that intends to facilitate the co-development of a coherent just transition plan for affected communities in Mpumalanga, with a particular focus on Emalahleni and Steve Tshwete.

The specific aim of this event is to unpack what is meant by public participation and how it can be improved, through existing and/or new platforms. What would facilitate the co-development of solutions to a just transition, enabling communities and workers to be empowered and creating a space for local voices to be heard?  


14:00 - 14:05: Welcome and introduction, Peta Wolpe

14:05 - 14:25: Why participatory justice matters. Key principles and interventions. Gaylor Montmasson-Clair, Senior Economist, TIPS

14:25 - 15:00: Sharing success, challenges and proposals for better engagement: What are the key interventions that would foster improved public participation?
  • Matshepiso Makhabane, CEO, Green Business College and Coordinator, Gender and Energy Network of South Africa (GENSA)
  • Hameda Deedat, Executive Director, National Labour and Economic Development Institute (NALEDI)
  • Michael Nkosi, Local Economic Development Department, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality
  • Matthews Hlabane, National Organizer of the Right to Say No in South Africa and environmental justice activist in Emalahleni
15:00 - 15:50:  Open discussion

15:50 - 16:00: Wrap up

Friday, 12 November 2021

Just Transition Finance Roadmap


In 2021 TIPS embarked on a 12-month research project to contribute to a first iteration of a Just Transition Finance Roadmap. The project has approached just transition finance as a separate use of climate funds, with different challenges, metric and ambitions. Unlike mainstream just transition roadmap thinking, it adopts an action-based research approach, looking at place-based investment needs at a project level. The research aims to provide evidence of the characteristics of just transition projects in South Africa and hence their financing needs. A gap analysis is being undertaken to understand what will be required to systemically support just transition activities. The bottom-up approach aims to culminate in articulating the characteristics of a future financial ecosystem, which systemically supports mobilising appropriate, sustainable just transition finance aligned to government climate and social development policy. The roadmap suggests a short-term action agenda to begin such a journey.

TIPS received funding from the EU and GIZ through the SPIPA initiative, UK PACT, and the CDC Group to research and draft an initial Just Transition Finance Roadmap for South Africa. SPIPA is the Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement. The CDC group is the UK government’s Development Finance Institution and is becoming British International Investment. UK PACT is the UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions and is a donor funded programme of the UK Government.


A Just Transition finance roadmap for South Africa: A first iteration - Sandty Lowitt (TIPS)

A just transition finance roadmap aims to articulate a new end vision for the financial ecosystem which perfectly aligns lending and investment actions to idealised government environmental and social policies which support a net zero economy. Once a final vision is articulated, the roadmap provides routes and signposts to arrive at such a destination. This first iteration of a just transition finance roadmap for South Africa, is an initial attempt to understand the nature of the challenge of just transition finance in South Africa, what a system level change to the financial eco system could look like and an action agenda for the next four years to begin moving towards such a vision

Toward a contribution to a just transition finance roadmap in South Africa - Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)

This working paper begins the process of framing a just transition narrative in the context of the South African financial system.

Views from an Emerging Market: Characteristics of South African Just Transition projects and the challenges they raise for the local and international financial eco system - Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)

This paper briefly describes the project research completed and then focuses on the financing characteristics that high just transition ambition projects exhibit.


Toward a Just Transition Finance Roadmap for South Africa Action Agenda - Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)

This policy brief focuses on the action agenda of the first iteration of a just transition finance roadmap for South Africa. The policy brief considers possible actions and activities in terms of: public finance measures, policy and regulation; financial instruments; institutions and disclosure, monitoring and evaluation. A cross-cutting theme across these areas is the need for the financial ecosystem to begin experimenting so as to learn by doing. Creating an evidence base is crucial to support forthcoming policy discussions


Understanding the demands a new financial eco system will need to meet - Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)

Roadmap progress report - presentation. 


These expert think pieces were commissioned to support and inform the broader research and thinking of the drafting of a first iteration of a contribution to a  just transition finance roadmap for South Africa. The papers form part of the UK PACT funding.

Initial framework of social indicators for investments in a Just Transition - Synergy

TIPS Just Transition Finance Roadmap Workstream: Communication, awareness & outreach - Nicole Martens (Martens Impact Advisory)

Insights for South Africa's Just transition Finance Roadmap: Nexus of project needs and financing response - Chantal Naidoo (Rabia Transitions Initiative)

Scaling the Just Transition for community-based and community-placed projects - Fumani Mthembi (Knowledge Pele)


Finance and the Just Transition - Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)

This working paper, commissioned by Presidential Climate Commission, is part of a series that will provide an evidence-based foundation for a new Framework for a Just Transition.


The Just Transition - Insights into the financial roadmap 


Financial Stakeholder Communication, Awareness and Outreach - (Nicole Martens, Martens Impact Advisory)


Press release: Financing the Just Transition puts a spotlight on financial institutions

Article: Ramaphosa to chair inter-Ministerial committee to oversee R131bn just transition offer (Terence Creamer, Engineering News 25 November 2021)

ArticleJust Transition: SA's battle for green power accreditation (Thuletho Zwane, City Press 28 November 2021)


Funding for webinar series by GIZ, EU,  and GME


The role of DFIs (Development Finance Institutions) in deploying financing to Just Transition projects


Post Event Report


Mobilising institutional investor flows to finance Just Transition activities


Post Event Report


The challenges facing commercial and investment banks in funding a Just Transition


Post Event Report

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