
Industry 4.0 project

This series of papers was commissioned by the Future Industrial Production Technologies Chief Directorate of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). This unit is focused on preparing South African industry for the fourth industrial revolution.

Saul Levin (TIPS) directed the project, and Dr Shawn Cunningham of Mesopartner was the lead researcher and author.

This paper, Mapping the meso space that enables technological change, productivity improvement and innovation in the manufacturing sector, is the third in the series and focuses on meso organisations and policies that strengthen the technological capability of the country or an industry to enable change, adaptation and economic resilience. 

Other papers in the series are:

Framing the concepts that underpin discontinuous technological change, technological capability and absorptive capacity

This paper takes the form of a literature study on the topic of technological change, innovation and building technological capabilities.

World Economic Forum and the fourth industrial revolution in South Africa

This paper focuses on the fourth industrial revolution and the concept as promoted by the World Economic Forum, international consultancies, governments and multinational firms.

Technological change and sustainable mobility: An overview of global trends and South African developments

This paper focuses on technological change and the developments in the sustainable mobility topic in South Africa.

Industry 4.0 project

This series of papers was commissioned by the Future Industrial Production Technologies Chief Directorate of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). This unit is focused on preparing South African industry for the fourth industrial revolution.

Saul Levin (TIPS) directed the project, and Dr Shawn Cunningham of Mesopartner was the lead researcher and author.

This paper, Technological change and sustainable mobility: An overview of global trends and South African developments, is the fourth in the series and focuses on technological change and developments in the sustainable mobility sector in South Africa.

Bhavna Deonarain was the lead author of this paper.

Other papers in the series are:

Framing the concepts that underpin discontinuous technological change, technological capability and absorptive capacity

This paper takes the form of a literature study on the topic of technological change, innovation and building technological capabilities.

World Economic Forum and the fourth industrial revolution in South Africa

This paper focuses on the fourth industrial revolution and the concept as promoted by the World Economic Forum, international consultancies, governments and multinational firms.

Mapping the meso space that enables technological change, productivity improvement and innovation in the manufacturing sector

This paper focuses on meso organisations and policies that strengthen the technological capability of the country or an industry to enable change, adaptation and economic resilience.

Business Day - 14 May 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Business Day.

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AllAfrica - 11 April 2019 by Government of Mauritius

Read online at AllAfrica

WIDER Working Paper 2019/38

This working paper, Motorcycle parts and aftermarket industry regional value chain in Southern Africaforms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED)


This paper provides an overview of the structure, key functions, and characteristics of the motorcycle parts and aftermarket industries in Southern Africa in order to identify challenges to and opportunities for growth in these industries. The research examines the end markets and utilization of motorcycles, the status of these markets, and demand for local or regional production processes. The paper also considers the main factors affecting the sales of motorcycles and their parts in the region and assesses whether a more coordinated approach between governments and foreign and local firms could lead to assembly and/or manufacturing value-added activity in the Southern African Development Community region.

Download Working Paper:

TIPS acknowledges the support of the SA-TIED programme for this working paper, with special thanks to UNU-WIDER and the South African Department of Trade and Industry.

Business Day - 30 April 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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Business Day - 16 April 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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Business Day - 2 April 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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Business Day - 19 March 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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Business Day - 5 March 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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