
Research Archive (910)

  • Year 2014
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sheila Farrell; Saul Levin
The South African Ports Regulator, established in terms of the National Ports Act 12 of 2005 is a relatively new institution. Time taken to establish the institution has meant it has only recently begun to be effective. Over the past three years it has flexed its regulatory muscle with significant revisions…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation This paper was funded by and prepared for the Development Bank of Southern Africa in 2012.
  • Author(s) Ellen Hagerman (TIPS Research Fellow)
This report is a survey of the on-going challenges to the development and implementation of regional infrastructure projects in Southern Africa with a specific focus on the North-South Corridor. The report incorporates both information and analysis based on consultations with about 50 stakeholders working on, or associated with, regional infrastructure…

  • Year 2014
  • Organisation OECD Global Forum on Competition paper by David Lewis, Corruption Watch and Reena Das Nair, TIPS
  • Author(s) David Lewis, Reena DasNair
This paper examines the interface between corruption and competition. The forms of corruption looked at concern the decision-making powers of public officials and elected representatives that are located at the interface between the public sector and private sector (that is, the business sector), or what may be otherwise characterised as…

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In the context of a global jobs crisis, there is renewed interest in the role of public employment in providing work opportunities. This context has also seen a range innovation in public employment, with new forms of work and new approaches to implementation and delivering different kinds of outcomes. The…

  • Year 2013
  • Author(s) United Nations Environment Programme
The South African Green Economy Modelling (SAGEM) Report explores the question of whether equal or higher growth could be attained with a more sustainable, equitable and resilient economy. South Africa views a green economy as a sustainable development path that is based on addressing the interdependence between economic growth, social…

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Evans Chinembiri; Mbofholowo Tsedu
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper looks at the strengths and weaknesses of current methodologies in capturing the kinds of local economic development impacts from the CWP. It aims to fill the gap of methodologies available for measuring economic multipliers in a local economy. (The Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) Research)

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation University of Cape Town Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
After the Great Depression in the 1930s, part of the recovery in the United States of America relied upon a massive programme of public works, under the Works Progress Administration. Its impact was not just as a stimulus; it also provided a focus of social participation and inclusion. Yet, in…

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Centre for Democratising Information
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
A key part of the motivation to potentially scale up the CWP to a million participants included a proposed strategy of support to schools. This research looks at the impact of CWP's schools support at a sample of schools that have received such support. (The Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) Research)  

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Centre for Democratising Information.
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This qualitative study assessed the impact of the Community Work Programme (CWP) on the capabilities of participants and communities. It showed the programme had significantly expanded participants capability set and had contributed to improving both individual and community wellbeing. (The Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) Research)

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation Development Policy Research Unit
  • Author(s) DPRU
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper looks at the role that potential poverty-reducing impact that the CWP could have is expanded. While acknowledging that there are significant non-monetary impacts, the focus is on measuring the impact that earning the CWP wage would have on household poverty and inequality. (The Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) Research)

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Discussion document prepared for the Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) Global Forum held in Paris in March 2013. This paper conducts a case study focused on the state of the tracking of public and private climate-related inflows to South Africa. It investigates South Africa's strategy on climate finance (tracking) and…

  • Year 2013
  • Author(s) Du Plooy, P. Boiling Point Issue 61, Climate Change: Adaptation, Resilience and Energy Security
  There is a role for a developmental state to drive access to modern energy throughout the economy, but particularly for poor households. While the technological solutions are understood, implementing them needs a policy and regulatory environment that encourages investment in these technologies by households, governments and the private sector. 

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sustainlabour
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This report is part of the project called the “Social Dialogue for Green and Decent Jobs. South Africa - European Dialogue on Just Transition” funded by EuropeAid's budget line SA/21.060200-01-08. The project has been cofunded by Sustainlabour. The Congress of South African Trade Unions – COSATU acts as partner organization.…

  • Year 2013
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sheila Farrell
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Ports Regulation: Are we achieving the objectives of the Ports Act? Comparisons with Ports Regulators from India, Australia and elsewhere (19 November 2013). Presentation by Dr Sheila Farrell, Imperial College London:

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Chonzi Mulenga
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC), Zambia
Intra-Industry trade (henceforth IIT) has generally been perceived to be a feature of the industrialized countries. As the past few years have seen a rapid increase in Zambia's trade with its trading partners in the SADC, trade statistics reveal that a substantial part of such intra-SADC trade is in fact…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Andre Botha
  • Countries and Regions European Union (EU), South Africa
This research aims to model tourism demand for South Africa from the UK and the USA by using an almost ideal demand system. An error correction almost ideal demand system (EC-AIDS) is used to quantify the responsiveness of UK and USA tourism demand to South Africa relative to changes in…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In 2012, South Africa remains faced with the triple developmental challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality. In addition, the country's current economic growth model is heavily resource and energy-intensive, aggravating pressures on the environment and the threat of climate change. The transition to a green economy, stemming from the concept…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
This paper investigates the potential to harness trade finance to foster the development of a green economy in developing countries. The world is facing multiple crises of sustainability: global financial crisis, climate change, and the overuse of natural resources. Many developing countries are additionally destabilized by poverty, disease, corruption, and…

  • Year 2012
  • Author(s) Kate Phillip
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In the face of a long-standing unemployment crisis that increasingly threatens social and economic stability, employment has at last taken centre stage in South African policy, and with this, a focus on the structural constraints on employment creation within the economy. The New Growth Path, approved by Cabinet in November…

  • Year 2012
  • Author(s) Fiona Tregenna; Mfanafuthi Tsela
Unemployment and earnings inequality in South Africa have declined in recent years, while the trend in overall income inequality is unclear. Inequality and unemployment both remain at extremely high levels by historical and international standards. There has been a very close relationship between trends in unemployment and earnings inequality in…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Stephen Timm
For South Africa, the promotion of small businesses remains key to creating jobs and a more equitable economy. Evidence from Chile and Malaysia – both countries with similar emerging economies as South Africa – reveals that by partnering to provide finance and business support, the government and the private sector…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It provides an overview of key issues in global industrial policy literature. It begins with a brief examination of the link between industrial policy and development and the differences between the…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It looks at three examples of regional integration: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Union and Mercosur. The focus is on understanding the drivers and motivation for regional…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TEBA; Lima
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The Community Work Programme (CWP) was implemented as a pilot programme in Bushbuckridge and several other municipalities in 2009. The programme is essentially an employment safety net employing 2 200 people in Bushbuckridge within four sectors of community work, these being food security, palliative care, community infrastructure refurbishment and teacher…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Marlese von Broembsen
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Patrick Sathorar acts as a marketing consultant for a group of 25-30 HIV-positive women in Nyanga, Cape Town. They produce textile and beaded products and Patrick facilitates their participation in the formal market by sourcing and negotiating contracts for them. Patrick’s role comprises the following: first, he meets with a…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Improving small, marginalised producers access to modern markets has increasingly been accepted as an important element in South African policy debates on improving the employment, income and livelihood opportunities for such producers. The importance of market access arises because in the absence of such access, these producers are restricted to…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation Thutong Training and Development
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The findings clearly answer the question of how beneficiaries have been impacted by CWP. The findings show that the beneficiaries are pleased with the quality of services that are provided through the CWP programme such as home based care, cleaning of cre?ches and teachers assistants etc. It becomes evident that…

  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Megan Cochrane
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Aim: The Community Work Programme (CWP) is an initiative of the State President's office which is designed to create an employment safety net in rural areas. The aim of this investigation is to study whether or not the CWP has made a positive impact on the lives of its participants…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Miriam Altman (HSRC) ; Carmel Marock (Singizi Consulting)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Youth unemployment is extremely high in South Africa, approximately double the national rate. While this is not uncommon internationally, it poses a special problem in South Africa where at least half of young school leavers are unlikely to find work before the age of 24. In many other countries, the…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Jeffrey Mashiane
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
We look at how trade liberalisation, working through product prices, has affected the skill premium in South Africa over the period 1990-2009. Our main finding is that trade liberalisation led to a reduction in prices over this period, and, through prices, mandated a rise in the skill premium of 3.3%.…
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