
Research Archive (910)

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation PLAAS
  • Author(s) Michael Aliber; Mompati Baiphethi; Rick de Satge; Jonathan Denison; Tim Hart; Peter Jacobs and Wim van Averbeke; with Rauri Alcock; Mike Antwi; Abenet Belete; Ben Cousins; Larry Field; Irvine Mariga; Patrick Masika; Simeon Materechera; David Mayson; Nomakhaya Monde and Barbara Tapela
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Within the ambit of the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa, government is leading a process to define a Second Economy Strategy. One of the opportunities that has been identified is the agricultural sector, in particular fostering a larger number of smallholder agriculturalists. The study seeks to identify…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Trade and Pro-Poor Growth Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA
  • Author(s) Evengelista Mudzonga
  • Countries and Regions Zimbabwe
The paper has attempted to contribute to a key issue in the current debate on economic development: the link between trade and poverty. The paper focused on the impact of imported chickens on Zimbabwe's poultry industry. The general aim of the study was to find the impact of imported chicken…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Mengesha Yayo Negasi
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Empirical studies on regional economic integration process in Africa exhibit sluggish progress and there by limited level of intra trade. The existing literatures in Africa, particularly in Southern African regional integration bloc, SADC have neglected effects of regional economic integration dealing with disaggregated data. This study analyzes trade creation and…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) M. Nyambe, J. , Walubita, B. and du Plessis, C
  • Countries and Regions Namibia
In the era of globalisation, there is widespread recognition that knowledge-based industries have become a significant contributor to economic growth and development. To be internationally competitive in a global economy requires the creation of distinctive assets such as knowledge, skills, innovation and creativity. Knowledge has become an internationally recognized factor…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Verena, T. , Vishal, R. and Ken, P.
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa)
The services sector is increasingly seen as a means to promote economic development and reduce poverty. It is becoming the largest sector, in terms of share of GDP and employment, in most developing countries. The services sector is highly diverse, ranging, from infrastructure services such as telecommunications, construction, transportation, financial…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Johnson Tsoro Maiketso
  • Countries and Regions Botswana
Trade in services generally is viewed as a potentially viable option to contribute to the much needed economic diversification in Botswana. This study is informed by the ongoing policy discussions about the need to develop an educational hub in Botswana. It is intended to be a constructive contribution to these…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Manisha Dookhony;Lillka Cuttaree
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
This study focuses is on the movement of talent. There is already free movement of labour within the European Union and the CARICOM region, SADC aims to achieve this by 2015. We examine the Caribbean region where the Caricom regional initiative provided the enabling environment for intraregional migration to take…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Kara Mackay
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In the era of globalisation, there is widespread recognition that knowledge-based industries have become a significant contributor to economic growth and development. To be internationally competitive in a global economy requires the creation of distinctive assets such as knowledge, skills, innovation and creativity. Knowledge has become an internationally recognized factor…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Pooloo Zainah
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa)
This paper employs a reduced form Solow Growth framework to investigate the role of public investment on infrastructure on economic performance for the case of Mauritius over the period 1970-2006. Given the non-stationary characteristics of the data, an error correction model is adopted. Public capital is shown to have significantly…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Albert Makochekanwa
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Given that the Southern African Development Community's (SADC) intention is to become a common market (CM) whereby labour and capital will be envisioned to freely move among the bloc's member states, the study investigates the extent to which the region is prepared for free movement of natural persons. The study…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Kwaramba Marko
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Through the analysis of trends in South Africa's higher education enrollment of Southern African Development Community (SADC) citizens over the years, the study investigates the extent to which the country has strategically marketed its educational services and positioned itself as the educational hub of Southern Africa. The analysis reveals that…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Charles Augustine Abuka and Kenneth Alpha Egesa
This study reviews the reforms undertaken in the financial sector with respect to regulation and access widening polices. The developments at the macro and micro level of the banking system are also assessed. Empirical analysis of the effects of financial liberalisation on growth by augmenting an aggregate production function with…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Trade and Pro-Poor Growth Thematic Working Group
  • Author(s) Thomas Funke
  • Countries and Regions Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU)
A number of research organisations around the world have recently attempted to capture and explain the impacts that biofuel policies have on agricultural commodity markets. Previously, food price inflation has gone along with the general inflation trend but this has changed. On the supply side the international market has experienced…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s) Yusuf Atiku Abdalla;Jimmy Apaa-Okello
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa)
Significant reforms of the services sector have been conducted in Uganda since 1987, motivated, in part, by the common notion that efficiency in the provision of services can deliver productivity growth in all sectors of the economy, which in turn stimulates overall economic growth and development. Given that the demand…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Trade and Pro-Poor Growth Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA
  • Author(s) Rojid Sawkut;Tandrayen Verena;Seetanah Boopen;Sunnassee Vinesh
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa), European Union (EU)
With the EU sugar reforms, the overall economic weight of the sugar sector has fallen. The sugar sector's contribution to GDP is now comparatively small, around 1.9% of GDP in 2008. In this context, the Mauritian government and the private sector defined the Multi-Annual Adaptation Strategy (MAAS) to restructure and…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Trade and Pro-Poor Growth Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA
  • Author(s) Jacob M. Nyambe;Taimi Amunkete
  • Countries and Regions Namibia
This project was designed to explore small-scale mining activities in Erongo Region of Namibia. The main objective was to explore possible contributions of small-scale mining to poverty alleviation in Namibia. The study seeks to achieve three specific objectives, namely activities of small-scale mining, the role of small-scale mining with regard…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Trade and Pro-Poor Growth Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA
  • Author(s) Erwin Naimhwaka
  • Countries and Regions East African Community (EAC), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Tourism is increasing becoming an important phenomena for developing countries and as such it affects the livelihood of many poor people. According to Yunis (2004), tourism is growing much faster in developing countries than in developed countries. However, its potential for poverty reduction has been insufficiently recognized and exploited in…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Trade and Pro-Poor Growth Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA
  • Author(s) Davis Marumo;Milly Monkhei
  • Countries and Regions Botswana, European Union (EU)
About 70-75 percent of Botswana beef exports are consumed in the European Union (EU) beef market. In 1997, the EU introduced a directive which made it mandatory for beef exported to the EU to be identifiable and traceable from farm to fork through a computerized system. Botswana then introduced the…

  • Year 2008
  • Organisation NB Ideas In association with Indego Consulting and Strategies for Change
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges facing South Africa. Growth has been inadequate, the skills level requirement of new jobs is continually rising, current skills among the workforce are low and inadequate numbers of low end, unskilled jobs are being created. Finding mechanisms to address this challenge is a…

  • Year 2008
  • Organisation Urban LandMark
  • Author(s) Monty Narsoo
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In discussing the relationship between governance and inclusivity this paper’s central argument is that unless there is an ability to build a responsive government at all spheres than there is no connection between the two. The ability of the state to respond to the citizenry requires that it can match…

  • Year 2008
  • Organisation NB Ideas in partnership with Strategies for Change and Indego Consulting

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Haroon Bhorat; Carlene van der Westhuizen; Toughedah Jacobs
South Africa has historically been ranked as one of the most unequal societies in the world, and while the country has experienced sustained positive economic growth since 1994, the impact of this growth on poverty, and particularly inequality, has been disappointing. Analysis using data from the 1995 and 2000 Income…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The research and policy proposals from the process of reviewing the performance of existing government programmes targeting the second economy and developing an expanded strategy were presented to a 'Work in Progress' workshop in May 2008 and to a conference entitled 'Second Economy Strategy: Addressing Inequality and Economic Marginalisation', held…

  • Year 2009
  • Author(s) Mmatlou Kalaba
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The focus of this article is on The SADC Trade Protocol aims for liberalization of all trade by 2012. Member countries have agreed to liberalize 85 percent of intra-SADC trade by 2008 and liberalize sensitive products by 2012. The article looks at whether SADC achieved its objectives with relation to liberalization and also tackles…

  • Year 2008
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Graham Sherbut
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa)
This paper evaluates the trade, business and investment climate currently in place within the island states of the Western Indian Ocean. Operating on the premise that trade-based globalization poses a considerable challenge to island states' economic stability and prospects for equitable development, this report argues that both state institutions and…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Dale Mudenda
  • Countries and Regions Zambia
The Zambian economy has undergone profound reforms in the last two decades. It has transited to a market economy from the previously centrally planned economy. As part of the economy-wide reforms, the country's industrial and trade policies have also been re-oriented to suit the needs of the market-oriented economy. This…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Lawrence Mapemba
  • Countries and Regions Malawi
The paper focuses on the conduct of trade and industrial policies in Malawi, their linkages and impacts on the performance of the trade and industry sectors. The study establishes that Malawi has gone through three stages of trade and industrial policy. From focusing on the production and trade of a…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Evengelista Mudzonga
  • Countries and Regions Zimbabwe
This paper looks at the nature and extent of linkages between trade and industrial policies in Zimbabwe. The paper establishes that the trade and industrial policies are interlinked in Zimbabwe. The study indicates that trade policy is one of the implementation strategies of the industrial policy - further illustrated in…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Farai Zizhou
  • Countries and Regions Botswana
This paper aims to establish the links between the industrial policy and the trade policy in Botswana. The paper finds that after gaining independence the Botswana government has deliberately targeted industrialisation as a strategy to overcome the high concentration of economic activities and welfare of the country centred on diamonds. The…

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Paul Benjamin; Nicole Yazbek
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) a third of the global workforce is either unemployed or underemployed barely eking out a living through informal work; selfemployment or as wage workers involved in precarious employment. International competitive pressures have led to a restructuring of organizations toward decentralized production networks and…
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