
Research Archive (910)

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Asset inequality

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
The promise of asset-based approaches to poverty, as well as its limitations can be summarised with reference to the popular idiom: “teach a person to fish, rather than giving him a fish”. If the idiom were a development programme or project, it would aim to undertake two interventions (i.e. 1.…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) William S. Mbuta
The absence of growth in intra-SADC trade in industrial products since the tariff phase-downs were initiated prompted by the ratification of the SADC Protocol on Trade in 2000 continues to generate interest amongst policymakers and other stakeholders as it appears that removal of market access constraint alone is not a…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) B Seetanah; K Padachi; R Juwaheer; R V Sannassee; M Lamport; U Subadur; J Matadeen
This paper models tourist arrivals into Mauritius from various parts of the world with a view to understand the contribution of different determinants in explaining the success of the island as an international tourism destination. A dual methodological approach was adopted namely panel date and survey frameworks. Results from the…

  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) tralac
  • Countries and Regions Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
For many of the African states, negotiations to liberalise trade in services is a relatively new phenomenon. For the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member states, the only experience acquired on this subject was during multilateral negotiations in the context of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Now…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Countries and Regions Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Evidence based policy making is critical for developing sound and relevant government policies. The process of evidence based policy making by definition allows one to monitor specific variables to determine the efficacy of a government intervention. Accurate data and sound data analysis are needed to achieve particular objectives. In the…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Hossany Jashveer; Seetanah Boopen; Padachi Kesseven; Sannassee Raja Vinesh
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa), South Africa
This research attempts to assess the attitudes of residents towards the perceived tourism impacts on their lives and communities in selected tourism coastal villages in Mauritius. A survey was used to examine residents' attitudes toward tourism development. The survey results show that tourism is a major pillar of the economy.…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
This note highlights the pattern of South Africa, European Union and Asia trade over the period 1990-2009. The note pays particular attention to trade flow changes between South Africa and the EU and compares these to the changes in the trade flows between South Africa and Asia. The note also…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In the face of a long-standing unemployment crisis that increasingly threatens social and economic stability, employment has at last taken centre stage in South African policy, and with this, focus is shifting to the structural constraints on employment creation within the economy. The New Growth Path, approved by Cabinet in…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Roman Grynberg
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First it is to review Botswana's competitiveness policy in the 10th National Development Plan, (NDP10 -2009-2016), National Export Strategy (2010-2016) and what are its conceptual foundations in the works of Michael Porter (1990). This will help explain the direction of trade and development…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation Energy Research Center, UCT; MAPS
  • Author(s) Peet du Plooy; Meagan Jooste
Climate and trade issues lie at the intersection of two of the world's most contested, delayed and important multilateral negotiations. Climate change under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and international trade as regulated by the World Trade Organization (WTO). This paper is a…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation PLAAS
  • Author(s) Michael Aliber
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This case study provides a comparative analysis of two different initiatives designed to promote the smallholder sector in metropolitan Cape Town. The City of Cape Town has developed an urban agriculture policy and initiated a joint venture between itself, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and private sector partners to put…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions India, South Africa
What if unemployed people in South Africa had a right – a real right – to a minimum level of regular work on decent terms? In 2005, India passed a law guaranteeing rural households up to 100 days of work per annum, at minimum wage rates. Over 55 million households…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation IDC; BSA; TIPS
  • Author(s) Jorge Maia; Thierry Giordano
Joint report from Industrial Development Corporation, Development Bank of Southern Africa and TIPS In its recent green economy study, UNEP9 concluded that environmental sustainability and economic progress are not opposing forces and that significant benefits will flow from the greening of the world's economies. Greening generates increases in wealth, measured…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Stephen Timm
In its efforts to craft a new economic growth path and assist small businesses, South Africa could do well to look to emerging economies such as Brazil and India, which have attracted much attention in their recent efforts to create greater and more equitable economic growth. The aim of this…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Alex McNamara
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The construction sector has a key role to play in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. Not only can firms in the sector, by using less energy-intensive and polluting strategies and techniques, contribute to this reduction, these firms can also encourage clients to utilize such technologies. The construction sector encompasses a…
Wednesday, 15 December 2010

15 Year Review - Trade

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Ximena Gonzalez-Nuñez
South Africa's trade policy has undergone much change as the country approaches its second decade of democracy. In particular, of more recent interest on the global sphere, and hence on the domestic front, have been the trade issues du jour, including trade in services and behind-the-border issues such as non-tariff…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions India, South Africa
What if unemployed people in South Africa had a right – a real right – to a minimum level of regular work, on decent terms?   In 2005, India passed a law guaranteeing rural households up to 100 days of work per annum, at minimum wage rates. Over 55 million…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation Camco; TIPS
  • Author(s) Alex McNamara
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for electricity generation was released for public comment by the South African Department of Energy (DOE) in October 2010. While the document is therefore still in draft form, and will presumably be refined in the final stage of public engagement, it is worthwhile to…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Anton Cartwright
This paper maps developments in the energy, climate change adaptation and water sectors that have the potential to benefit the South African economic development process. Whilst the risks associated with environmental disasters form part of the analysis, the emphasis is on the concepts and emerging opportunities that could benefit South…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This report takes a closer look at the trade and the trade agreements between South Africa and its free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Although the pace of unilateral trade reform has slowed, trade liberalisation has occurred through the negotiation of a number of bilateral trade agreements.

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation International Labour Office - Geneva
  • Author(s) Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song; Kate Philip
Description Unemployment and other employment-related problems do not occur only in times of crisis. As observed by the ILO, there was a Jobs Crisis before the financial crisis, a structural unemployment problem as a result of jobless growth in many areas of the world. Investment in infrastructure development can play an…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kate Philip
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The OECD held a one-day workshop in Paris in May 2010 to present the findings of a series of papers commissioned on this topic from Brazil, India, China and South Africa. Kate Philip was there. For South Africans attending the OECD conference, watching the comparative slides on global trends flashing…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Norma Tregurtha;Nick Vink;Johann Kirsten
This report reviews the performance of the South Africa's agricultural sector over the past 15 years; with special emphasis on the period 2004-2007 and identifies the main agricultural policies and support instruments introduced since 1994. The report also assesses their impact on the structure and performance of the sector.

  • Year 2009
  • Organisation Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Author(s) Mfundo Mbashe
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Access to adequate water and sanitation services in South Africa still remain a pipe dream for the millions who are trapped at the bottom of the class structures in the country. The poverty stricken communities living in Townships such as Motherwell, everyday long for water services infrastructure to be built…

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation World Bank
  • Author(s) Sergio Schmukler
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Closing Plenary 

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation Tandem Global Partners
  • Author(s) Paulo Viera da Cunha
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Closing Plenary Session

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation International Labour Office
  • Author(s) Sher Verick
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 8B the Global Financial Crisis - Micro Impacts

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation University of Pretoria
  • Author(s) Margaret Chitiga et al
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 8b: The Global Financial Crisis - Micro Impacts

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation Human Sciences Research Council
  • Author(s) Catherine Cross
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 8B: The Global Financial Crisis - Marco Impacts
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