
Research Archive (910)

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Kalie Pauw
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The unemployment rate among semi- and unskilled workers in South Africa is over 50%. This high rate can be attributed to various factors, including political decisions of the past, educational inequalities, and poor economic growth. These factors have contributed to the structural unemployment problem in South Africa. The real cost…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies University of the Witwatersrand
  • Author(s) Charles Mather
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper discusses changes in the regulation of citrus exports from South Africa. It traces the changes from state regulation of the citrus chain to very recent forms of private regulation in the context of highly competitive global markets. The paper argues that while these forms of private regulation are…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Kevin Nell
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper investigates South Africa's saving-investment behaviour between 1962 and 2001. The results show that due to the unlimited nature of net capital inflows (foreign debt) from 1962 to 1976, saving and investment were not bound by a long-run solvency constraint and thus unrelated in the long run. By contrast,…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Xavier Carim
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The overriding objectives of the Nepad programme are economic growth and sustainable development. If it is accepted that trade contributes positively to these objectives, the next question that arises is how to improve African countries' export performance. The ability to improve export performance requires a broader discussion of trade, industrial…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) David Evans
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC), Zambia
The first section sketches the well-known argument that there is a potential clash between trade policy reform, employment creation and poverty alleviation in the context of economic integration in Southern Africa. The argument is developed in the wider context of the endowments and accumulation of key resources in Sub Saharan…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Carol Molate; Dirk Ernst van Seventer
  • Countries and Regions Brazil, South Africa
In this short report we examine South African trade with Brazil for decade up to 2001. First we look at the absolute values, trends, patterns at the aggregate level and somehow disaggregated level of 22 commodities clusters. The aim of this section is to provide a first round analysis of…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
South Africa has experienced significant liberalisation during the 1990s on the political as well as economic front. Starting with the first democratic elections in 1994, the economy has undergone liberalisation of internal and external financial markets, labour markets and trade regime. Major changes have also taken place in terms of…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation SATRN
  • Author(s) James Hodge
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Telecommunications services are an important focus for most industrial countries in the current round of trade talks in services. Initial negotiating positions and country requests by these industrial countries all call for full liberalisation of the sector. SADC countries have already embarked on reform in telecommunications but few have made…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation The Edge Institute
  • Author(s) Ethel Teljeur
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The Edge Institute  Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are at the centre of several current policy debates, both nationally and internationally, ranging from music piracy and geographical indications in wine labelling to generic alternatives for patented pharmaceuticals. In order to engage in these debates, a thorough understanding of the pros and…
Sunday, 15 June 2003

Botswana Financial Services

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation SATRN
  • Author(s) Magdeline Gabaraane
  • Countries and Regions Botswana
Botswana's financial sector is relatively small, reflecting the small size of the market and perhaps the thorough approach to licensing and supervision.  The size of the sector in relation to the economy (as measured by the ratio of broad money to non-mining GDP) declined in the first half of the…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation SATRN
  • Author(s) Monnane Monnane
  • Countries and Regions Botswana
The Botswana telecommunications sector is made of four major stakeholders. The Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA) is the sectors' regulator. The Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC), a government owned company, provides fixed lines. Two private companies, Mascom Wireless and Vista Cellular provide mobile services. Very little research on the telecommunication sector in…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation SATRN
  • Author(s) James Hodge
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Negotiations on the liberalisation of telecommunications form an important part of service negotiations in the Doha Round. The negotiations cover all aspects of the telecoms sector, including fixed line public networks, mobile networks and the full range of value-added network services (VANS) such as Internet and virtual private networks. Liberalisation…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This report attempts to provide an overview of South Africa's industrial landscape during the 1990s, focusing on growth and sectoral shares in value-added at a detailed 46-sector level. Use is made of the TIPS South African Standardised Industry Database, which offers long-term trends spanning 1970 to the present for 46…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) James Hodge
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Telecommunications services are an important focus for most industrial countries in the current round of trade talks in services. Initial negotiating positions and country requests by these industrial countries all call for full liberalisation of the sector. James Hodge reports that SADC countries have already embarked on reform in telecommunications…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Kennedy Mbekeani
  • Countries and Regions Mercosur (Common Market of the South)
The Cancun Ministerial Conference ended on 14 September after Chairperson Luis Ernesto Derbez concluded that members remained entrenched on the "Singapore" issues. Shortly before 18:00 Cancun time, Mexican Trade Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez formally closed the Fifth Session of the WTO Ministerial Conference, without agreement on a Ministerial Text. The…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation SATRN
  • Author(s) Gape Kaboyakgosi
  • Countries and Regions Botswana
In this report we make an assessment of the transport sector in Botswana by analyzing policy and performance in the air and road transport sectors. The study had several other objectives among which was to identify reform needs for the two sectors, facilitate ease of comparison among SADC countries and…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation SATRN
  • Author(s) Felix Maonera
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The international commodity market is increasingly characterized by a fall in the relative value of products mainly due to increased competition. Because of the competitive pressures in the global market place, it is not surprising that exporters from economies that rely relatively more for their well being on the export…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Faizel Ismail
  • Countries and Regions European Union (EU)
This paper will begin by outlining the policy framework that informs EU trade policies and will set out a development perspective that informs the evaluation of EU trade policies. The paper then discusses the issue of adjustment in the EU and evaluates the EU track record in key industries of…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Ximena Gonzalez-Nunez
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The SADC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into effect recently. Periodic examination of intra-SADC trade flows is an important element of monitoring the impact of the FTA.

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions European Union (EU), South Africa
Of concern to domestic policy makers is that trade between Finland and South Africa is very much biased in favour of the former country. Set against this backdrop, Trade and Investment South Africa (TISA) of the South African Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), together with the Finnish Embassy in…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Carol Molate and Dirk van Seventer
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The Trade Performance Index (TPI) is a tool developed by the International Trade Centre (ITC) for assessing and monitoring the multi-faceted dimensions of export performance and competitiveness of countries and their principal export sectors. At present, the TPI covers 184 countries and 14 different sectors. It reveals how competitive and…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This report attempts to provide an overview of South Africa's industrial landscape during the 1990s, with specific emphasis on growth and sectoral shares in exports at a detailed 46-sector level. If one of the objective of the policies adopted during the middle of the 1990s was to bring about a…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In spite of the trade liberalisation efforts that have characterised the 1990s, it is apparent that imports by the manufacturing sector have remained more or less constant in real terms, whereas imports by agricultural industries have witnessed a decline in imports. Declining imports of business services have also been manifest…

  • Year 2003
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Donald Onyango
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Only a handful of sectors have shown an increase in their demand for labour, amongst others, Leather Products, Plastic Products, Wood and Wood Products, Wholesale and Retail Trade, Printing and Publishing, Medical Services, Basic Chemicals and Other Chemicals and Television and Communications Equipment producers (Table 17). In terms of labour…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) F Booysen; J.P Geldenhuys; M Marinkov,
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Even though the approaches, assumptions and results may vary greatly in the macroeconomic models employed in estimating the impact of HIV/AIDS on the South African economy, the overriding message that these models convey remains the same: the cost of HIV/AIDS to South Africa will be significant in economic, social and…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Anna McCord
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The South African economy is unable to deliver employment for a growing number of would-be workers, especially among the unskilled. There is a need for state intervention to address this failure, and public works have been identified in the national policy discourse as a central policy response, to address both…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Erik Thorbecke
Our understanding of the concept of poverty has improved and deepened considerably in the last three decades or so following Amartya Sen's seminal work. We possess presently the analytical tools to identify and locate the poor, to describe their characteristics and to measure the extent of poverty at different levels…

  • Year 2013
  • Author(s) Rulof Burger; Ronelle Burger; Servaas van der Berg
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper looks at social mobility in the context of a growing economy. The nature and extent of Black affluence in South Africa provides an indicator of the impact of efforts to eradicate the remnants of apartheid-era racial discrimination in the South African education system and labour market. Most studies…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Richard Devey; Imraan Valodia; Bala Rajaratnam; Myriam Velia
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The province of KwaZulu-Natal (henceforth KZN) is an important contributor to overall national economic performance in South Africa. In 1996, data from the Census of Manufacturing emphasised that KZN ranked second after Gauteng across a series of economic indicators (see for instance Annex Table 1 - part 1, p. 86).…

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Aylit Tina Romm
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper uses the Johansen VECM estimation technique to examine the directions of association between savings and growth in South Africa over the period 1946- 1992. We examine the aggregate private saving rate and its interaction with investment and growth. The paper finds that the private saving rate has a…
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