Past Projects

Past Projects

Official project name: Technical support on economic modelling of impacts of international policies and mechanisms on markets, sectors, climate finance and technology on South Africa / GIZ Project: DEA Climate Change Support Program Client: Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Chief…
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It looks at three examples of regional integration: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Union and Mercosur. The…
Official project name: Facilitation of a Sectoral Workshop and Preparation of a Briefing Paper. Rio+20 Project / Research and Technical Cooperation Services Unit for the Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement Facility Client: WWF and Department of Environmental Affairs Funder: Trade…
01 February 2012

Beyond GDP

Official project name: Beyond GDP Client: British High Commission and South African government (Department of Environmental Affairs, National Planning Commission, Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Economic Development Department) Funder: British High Comission – Prosperity Fund Duration: 1 February 2012…
The Community Work Programme (CWP) was implemented as a pilot programme in Bushbuckridge and several other municipalities in 2009. The programme is essentially an employment safety net employing 2 200 people in Bushbuckridge within four sectors of community work, these…
Asset Research ( is an economy/ecology think-tank that seeks to internalise the importance of natural assets – such as water, energy, biodiversity and fertile land – in the search for alternative development paths. It is a non-governmental organisation and public…
TIPS designed course materials and taught courses for the International Labour Organization on the design and implementation of public employment programming. Delegates from all over the world attended. (2012)

  • Date Thursday, 27 October 2011
  • Venue the Vulindlela Auditorium, Development Bank of Southern Africa
  • For enquiries or to register please contact Ipeleng Mohlala -
  • Organisation World Bank
Trade and Industrial Policy and Strategies (TIPS) and the World Bank cordially invite you to a conference on Improving Competitiveness for Job Creation: Technology, Access to Finance and Industrial Policy, to be held on October 27, 2011 in the Vulindlela Auditorium, Development Bank of Southern Africa. Competitiveness and Job Creation …
Patrick Sathorar acts as a marketing consultant for a group of 25-30 HIV-positive women in Nyanga, Cape Town. They produce textile and beaded products and Patrick facilitates their participation in the formal market by sourcing and negotiating contracts for them.…
Improving small, marginalised producers access to modern markets has increasingly been accepted as an important element in South African policy debates on improving the employment, income and livelihood opportunities for such producers. The importance of market access arises because in…
The findings clearly answer the question of how beneficiaries have been impacted by CWP. The findings show that the beneficiaries are pleased with the quality of services that are provided through the CWP programme such as home based care, cleaning…
Aim: The Community Work Programme (CWP) is an initiative of the State President's office which is designed to create an employment safety net in rural areas. The aim of this investigation is to study whether or not the CWP has…
Youth unemployment is extremely high in South Africa, approximately double the national rate. While this is not uncommon internationally, it poses a special problem in South Africa where at least half of young school leavers are unlikely to find work…
21 August 2011

Asset inequality

The promise of asset-based approaches to poverty, as well as its limitations can be summarised with reference to the popular idiom: “teach a person to fish, rather than giving him a fish”. If the idiom were a development programme or…
The absence of growth in intra-SADC trade in industrial products since the tariff phase-downs were initiated prompted by the ratification of the SADC Protocol on Trade in 2000 continues to generate interest amongst policymakers and other stakeholders as it appears…
This paper models tourist arrivals into Mauritius from various parts of the world with a view to understand the contribution of different determinants in explaining the success of the island as an international tourism destination. A dual methodological approach was…
For many of the African states, negotiations to liberalise trade in services is a relatively new phenomenon. For the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member states, the only experience acquired on this subject was during multilateral negotiations in the context…
Evidence based policy making is critical for developing sound and relevant government policies. The process of evidence based policy making by definition allows one to monitor specific variables to determine the efficacy of a government intervention. Accurate data and sound…
This note highlights the pattern of South Africa, European Union and Asia trade over the period 1990-2009. The note pays particular attention to trade flow changes between South Africa and the EU and compares these to the changes in the…
In the face of a long-standing unemployment crisis that increasingly threatens social and economic stability, employment has at last taken centre stage in South African policy, and with this, focus is shifting to the structural constraints on employment creation within…
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First it is to review Botswana's competitiveness policy in the 10th National Development Plan, (NDP10 -2009-2016), National Export Strategy (2010-2016) and what are its conceptual foundations in the works of Michael Porter (1990).…
Climate and trade issues lie at the intersection of two of the world's most contested, delayed and important multilateral negotiations. Climate change under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and international trade as regulated…
This case study provides a comparative analysis of two different initiatives designed to promote the smallholder sector in metropolitan Cape Town. The City of Cape Town has developed an urban agriculture policy and initiated a joint venture between itself, the…
Official project name: - An Online Forum for Green Industry Consumers, Suppliers and Policymakers Client: Department of Environmental Affairs Funder: British High Commission – Prosperity Fund Duration: 1/06/2011 – 31/03/2012 Summary The Sustainable Growth pillar developed a website (…
Official project name: Green Jobs - An estimate of direct employment potential of a greening South African economy Client: Industrial Development Corporation, Development Bank of Southern Africa and TIPS Funder: Industrial Development Corporation, Development Bank of Southern Africa and TIPS…
Official project name: Green Industries Strategy Client: Department of Trade and Industry Funder: Department of Trade and Industry Duration: 2011 Summary TIPS has carried out pioneering work in the field of green industries. TIPS provided technical support to the Department…
Official project name: Co-ordination and facilitation of the Economic Regulators Conference Client: National Energy Regulator of South Africa Funder: National Energy Regulator of South Africa Duration: August 2011 - August 2012 Summary TIPS was appointed in 2011/2012 to facilitate and…
What if unemployed people in South Africa had a right – a real right – to a minimum level of regular work on decent terms? In 2005, India passed a law guaranteeing rural households up to 100 days of work…
Joint report from Industrial Development Corporation, Development Bank of Southern Africa and TIPS In its recent green economy study, UNEP9 concluded that environmental sustainability and economic progress are not opposing forces and that significant benefits will flow from the greening…
19 January 2011

Employment Guarantees

TIPS submitted several inputs to the South African National Planning Commission’s National Development Plan, specifically in the role of employment guarantees and small business development, inequality and economic marginalisation. (2011-2012)
In its efforts to craft a new economic growth path and assist small businesses, South Africa could do well to look to emerging economies such as Brazil and India, which have attracted much attention in their recent efforts to create…
The construction sector has a key role to play in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. Not only can firms in the sector, by using less energy-intensive and polluting strategies and techniques, contribute to this reduction, these firms can also encourage…
15 December 2010

15 Year Review - Trade

South Africa's trade policy has undergone much change as the country approaches its second decade of democracy. In particular, of more recent interest on the global sphere, and hence on the domestic front, have been the trade issues du jour,…
What if unemployed people in South Africa had a right – a real right – to a minimum level of regular work, on decent terms?   In 2005, India passed a law guaranteeing rural households up to 100 days of…
The draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for electricity generation was released for public comment by the South African Department of Energy (DOE) in October 2010. While the document is therefore still in draft form, and will presumably be refined in…
This paper maps developments in the energy, climate change adaptation and water sectors that have the potential to benefit the South African economic development process. Whilst the risks associated with environmental disasters form part of the analysis, the emphasis is…
This report takes a closer look at the trade and the trade agreements between South Africa and its free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Although the pace of unilateral trade reform has slowed, trade liberalisation has occurred through the negotiation of…
Description Unemployment and other employment-related problems do not occur only in times of crisis. As observed by the ILO, there was a Jobs Crisis before the financial crisis, a structural unemployment problem as a result of jobless growth in many…
The OECD held a one-day workshop in Paris in May 2010 to present the findings of a series of papers commissioned on this topic from Brazil, India, China and South Africa. Kate Philip was there. For South Africans attending the…
Increasingly natural capital is becoming the limiting factor in economic activity. Terms such as sustainable growth and green economy have been used to describe an economic growth path that does not lead to the destruction of the environment. Governments have…
This report reviews the performance of the South Africa's agricultural sector over the past 15 years; with special emphasis on the period 2004-2007 and identifies the main agricultural policies and support instruments introduced since 1994. The report also assesses their…
Official project name: Trade and climate change: Policy and economic implications for South Africa Client: Energy Research Centre at the University of Cape Town Funder: Energy Research Centre at the University of Cape Town Duration: 2010-2011 Summary Climate and trade…
Official project name: Alternative Energy Generation for South Africa Client: Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town  Funder: Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at…
Official project name: Financing Needs and Preconditions for the South African Renewables Initiative (SARi) Client: KfW Entwicklungsbank Funder: KfW Entwicklungsbank Duration: 30 August 2010 - 1 December 2010 Summary In 2010, the KfW Entwicklungsbank commissioned a study to determine the…
This paper examines the pattern of trade between IBSA countries for the period 2001-2008. We find that trade between the countries has been on the increase. After the IBSA initiative was established in 2003, each country recorded a significant growth…
This study seeks to model the effects of trade on employment in South Africa in a Labour Demand framework. The study uses aggregated data, as opposed to a number of studies that have used either factor content or growth accounting…
TIPS undertook several sectors studies for the department of trade and industry (the dti) to assist with inputs into the Industrial Policy Action Plan. The sector studies look at a number of data points (i.e. trade, production, employment, etc) in…
There is an increased recognition that actions to address climate change and the environment are intimately linked to economic growth and sustainable development goals and needs. Actions to promote increased resilience to climate change impacts and a lower greenhouse gas…
Trade patterns change as a result of the international specialisation of production and the increased integration of world markets. This is especially evident in small open economies such as the countries that make up the SADC region. In 2000, the share…
Information on the impact of immigration on a host country's trade with particular reference to the African continent and the SADC region remains scant, if indeed it is ever available. This study seeks to fill this gap with an analysis…
Street trading is the most common type of informal self-employment activity in South Africa. Traders sell a range of products such as fruits and vegetables, cooked food, new and used clothing, cosmetics, footwear, dvds, “public” telephone services and mobile phone…
Member countries of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) engaged in a number of bilateral trade liberalisation agreements and initiatives from as way back as the 1950s, the main objective being to increase bilateral trade flows through deeper opening and…
This paper proposes that non-temporary circular migration creates and sustains 'circular migration flows', which are the outcome of the continuous interaction between sending and receiving countries that is created and sustained by migration and by transnational networks. Circular migration generates…

  • Date Monday, 16 November 2009
  • Venue Premier Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
  • For enquiries or to register please contact For more information and details on the workshop, contact Mmatlou Kalaba at or Tanya Claassen at Government Ave
    Arcadia, 0083
    PRETORIA, South Africa
    Tel: 27 (0) 12 431 7900
    Fax: 27 (0) 12 431 7910
  Announcement of the SADRN Researchers Workshop   Date: 16 – 18 November 2009   Venue: Premier Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa   The Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN) was launched in August 2007 as a broad-based policy and research network. The project is funded by the International Development Research…
Maize is the most important staple cereal product consumed in the Southern African region. The purpose of this paper is to examine the origins of the global 2007/8 food price crisis and the impact this had on the trade in…
Agriculture plays a unique and multifaceted role in the South African economy. While it contributes less than three percent to the country’s GDP, it provides almost 10 percent of the country’s formal sector employment. The sector has, according to all…
Within the ambit of the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa, government is leading a process to define a Second Economy Strategy. One of the opportunities that has been identified is the agricultural sector, in particular fostering a…
Official project name: Commercial Climate Change Risks and Opportunities in South Africa Client: Camco Funder: British High Commission Duration: May 2009 – November 2010 Summary TIPS participated in a research project led by Camco, an international consulting firm specialising in…
The paper has attempted to contribute to a key issue in the current debate on economic development: the link between trade and poverty. The paper focused on the impact of imported chickens on Zimbabwe's poultry industry. The general aim of…
Empirical studies on regional economic integration process in Africa exhibit sluggish progress and there by limited level of intra trade. The existing literatures in Africa, particularly in Southern African regional integration bloc, SADC have neglected effects of regional economic integration…
In the era of globalisation, there is widespread recognition that knowledge-based industries have become a significant contributor to economic growth and development. To be internationally competitive in a global economy requires the creation of distinctive assets such as knowledge, skills,…
The services sector is increasingly seen as a means to promote economic development and reduce poverty. It is becoming the largest sector, in terms of share of GDP and employment, in most developing countries. The services sector is highly diverse,…
Trade in services generally is viewed as a potentially viable option to contribute to the much needed economic diversification in Botswana. This study is informed by the ongoing policy discussions about the need to develop an educational hub in Botswana.…
This study focuses is on the movement of talent. There is already free movement of labour within the European Union and the CARICOM region, SADC aims to achieve this by 2015. We examine the Caribbean region where the Caricom regional…
In the era of globalisation, there is widespread recognition that knowledge-based industries have become a significant contributor to economic growth and development. To be internationally competitive in a global economy requires the creation of distinctive assets such as knowledge, skills,…
This paper employs a reduced form Solow Growth framework to investigate the role of public investment on infrastructure on economic performance for the case of Mauritius over the period 1970-2006. Given the non-stationary characteristics of the data, an error correction…
Given that the Southern African Development Community's (SADC) intention is to become a common market (CM) whereby labour and capital will be envisioned to freely move among the bloc's member states, the study investigates the extent to which the region…
Through the analysis of trends in South Africa's higher education enrollment of Southern African Development Community (SADC) citizens over the years, the study investigates the extent to which the country has strategically marketed its educational services and positioned itself as…
This study reviews the reforms undertaken in the financial sector with respect to regulation and access widening polices. The developments at the macro and micro level of the banking system are also assessed. Empirical analysis of the effects of financial…
A number of research organisations around the world have recently attempted to capture and explain the impacts that biofuel policies have on agricultural commodity markets. Previously, food price inflation has gone along with the general inflation trend but this has…
Significant reforms of the services sector have been conducted in Uganda since 1987, motivated, in part, by the common notion that efficiency in the provision of services can deliver productivity growth in all sectors of the economy, which in turn…
With the EU sugar reforms, the overall economic weight of the sugar sector has fallen. The sugar sector's contribution to GDP is now comparatively small, around 1.9% of GDP in 2008. In this context, the Mauritian government and the private…
This project was designed to explore small-scale mining activities in Erongo Region of Namibia. The main objective was to explore possible contributions of small-scale mining to poverty alleviation in Namibia. The study seeks to achieve three specific objectives, namely activities…
Tourism is increasing becoming an important phenomena for developing countries and as such it affects the livelihood of many poor people. According to Yunis (2004), tourism is growing much faster in developing countries than in developed countries. However, its potential…
About 70-75 percent of Botswana beef exports are consumed in the European Union (EU) beef market. In 1997, the EU introduced a directive which made it mandatory for beef exported to the EU to be identifiable and traceable from farm…
Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges facing South Africa. Growth has been inadequate, the skills level requirement of new jobs is continually rising, current skills among the workforce are low and inadequate numbers of low end, unskilled jobs are…
In discussing the relationship between governance and inclusivity this paper’s central argument is that unless there is an ability to build a responsive government at all spheres than there is no connection between the two. The ability of the state…
South Africa has historically been ranked as one of the most unequal societies in the world, and while the country has experienced sustained positive economic growth since 1994, the impact of this growth on poverty, and particularly inequality, has been…
The research and policy proposals from the process of reviewing the performance of existing government programmes targeting the second economy and developing an expanded strategy were presented to a 'Work in Progress' workshop in May 2008 and to a conference…
The focus of this article is on The SADC Trade Protocol aims for liberalization of all trade by 2012. Member countries have agreed to liberalize 85 percent of intra-SADC trade by 2008 and liberalize sensitive products by 2012. The article looks at whether SADC…
The Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN) was a broad-based policy and research network which aimed to increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the region and strengthen evidence-based policy-making. SADRN focused on two main themes: industrial policy and sector…
The Zambian economy has undergone profound reforms in the last two decades. It has transited to a market economy from the previously centrally planned economy. As part of the economy-wide reforms, the country's industrial and trade policies have also been…
The paper focuses on the conduct of trade and industrial policies in Malawi, their linkages and impacts on the performance of the trade and industry sectors. The study establishes that Malawi has gone through three stages of trade and industrial…
This paper looks at the nature and extent of linkages between trade and industrial policies in Zimbabwe. The paper establishes that the trade and industrial policies are interlinked in Zimbabwe. The study indicates that trade policy is one of the…
This paper aims to establish the links between the industrial policy and the trade policy in Botswana. The paper finds that after gaining independence the Botswana government has deliberately targeted industrialisation as a strategy to overcome the high concentration of economic…
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) a third of the global workforce is either unemployed or underemployed barely eking out a living through informal work; selfemployment or as wage workers involved in precarious employment. International competitive pressures have led…
This paper deals with informality and its transition to modernity. The transit to formalization will enable those working in the informal economy to improve their chances of being included, become less vulnerable, and ensure a better performance of their activities.…
This paper argues that perspectives characterizing the trajectory of China's economic reforms as “reversing course” are misleading by not recognizing the current stage of Chinese industrial development and the policy initiatives adopted to steer the country towards widely-stated national objectives.…
The heads of states of the Common Markets for East and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East Africa Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) met in Uganda in October 2008 to discuss broader objectives of the three regional…
Market selection methods, of which a vast number exist, are a critical tool in firms' and government's policy, planning and budgeting processes. To this end, the primary aim of this paper is to determine the international market selection method best-suited…
This paper highlights ten key features of the Developmental State (DS) growth model by contrasting trends in economic indicators and institutions between China (and East Asia more generally) and South Africa. In light of the recent (and perhaps politically opportunistic)…
The paper argues for a broad based access to property, broader than access to title allows, with the potential for wider, quicker and more sustained reach. It motivates for a place for tenure security in the second economy strategy as…
TIPS was commissioned by FABCOS (The Foundation for African Business and Consumer Services) to undertake a study on the impact of fuel and food price increases on small business. As FABCOS has a large constituency of informal or previously informal…
The task is to reflect on the building of the second economy in small and medium sized towns. This involves a review of secondary sources, as well as an input on quantitative measures to support the main arguments. The paper…
At the July 2007 Cabinet lekgotla, the Presidency was tasked with conducting a review of existing government programmes that target the 'second economy', in order to identify where programmes can be scaled up to achieve greater impacts, and where further…
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